More Legislature Stories

Bill for University Repairs OKs Funding for 2018-19

An Arizona Senate committee sent the measure to the Senate floor.

Teachers, Schools May Get More Under Legislative Budget

Bills moving through both chambers Wednesday include 1% teacher pay raise.

Schools Group Sues Arizona, Saying Billions Owed For Maintenance

Lawsuit points to money it says was withheld following Great Recession.

University-Funding Solution Elusive; AZ House Speaker Wants 'Thoughtful' Resolution

Increased funding for state universities continues to hold up the process.

State Budget Hangup: Ducey Firm on University Funding

Budget negotiations in Phoenix are stuck on how to increase maintenance money.

Opioid Prescription Changes, Access to Overdose Aid Coming

Drug stores will be able to sell Narcan, which can bolster critical life systems in overdose.

Lawmakers' Top Priority: Teacher Pay, But How Much?

Leaders of both parties want to spend more in classrooms than Gov. Ducey proposes.

Episode 310: Shaping Arizona Policy, as Budget Agreement Nears

The 53rd session is winding down, and has been considered by some to be 'mild.'

Episode 132: Full-Day Kindergarten Funding Proposal Won't Help Tucson

Plus, local impact of the state budget; Tucson and the sanctuary city controversy.

Man Gathering Signatures to Effect Vote on Signature Gathering

Aiming to get the question on the ballot using the selfsame process, targeted for change in the Arizona Legislature.

Tucson Can Keep Tax Incentive for Downtown Redevelopment

Legislature proposed changes, but city's key tool to encourage development intact.

University Funding Proposal Holds Up State Budget

A policy debate on university maintenance could keep lawmakers in session longer.

Bill Would Replace Standardized Tests for Arizona High Schoolers

Schools can have more choices when replacing the test.

Ban on Paid Petition Gatherers Takes One More Step in State Legislature

The Senate gave initial approval to a bill banning the practice.

In One Campus Building, a Window into the Cost of Deferred Maintenance

UA needs $350 million to catch up with campus repair, maintenance needs.

Legislature Moving Ahead with Arizona Budget

Funding for universities could be a hangup this year, House speaker says, though he expects completion soon.

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