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Environmentalists sue BLM over grazing in San Pedro conservation area

Groups say allowing cattle grazing to continue harms the San Pedro's riparian landscape.

Lawsuits challenging border wall funding can move forward, judge rules

A U.S. District Court judge last week ruled two lawsuits brought by environmental groups will be allowed to continue.

Group suspends efforts to protect endangered vaquita during pandemic

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society says it will resume operations to protect the small porpoise in the Gulf of California as soon as it's safe.

EPA defends plan to ease compliance requirements in face of coronavirus

Environmentalists have repeated charges that the policy creates a "catch me if you can" situation for polluters.

Environmental advocates say planned border construction threatens jaguar corridors

CBP announced plans to build more than 90 miles of border wall in an area advocates say is predominantly remote wilderness.

Your tap water is still safe, say Arizona water agencies

Answers to FAQs about the safety and supply of water in Arizona amid the pandemic, according to water officials.

Nature Conservancy closes public preserves to limit COVID-19 spread

Ramsey Canyon Preserve and Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve are temporarily closed.

As Tumamoc Hill closes, Saguaro National Park stays open, suspending fees and closing visitor centers

The park is also canceling programs in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Opponents of proposed copper mine speak out about threat to Oak Flat

Indigenous and environmental advocates say the Resolution Copper Mine would irreparably harm the site of cultural and environmental significance.

Indigenous group reaffirms importance of Quitobaquito Springs amid border wall construction

The group discussed how construction and pumping local groundwater is affecting the sacred site.

"Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale"

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Adiba Nelson shares an open love letter to all women, everywhere; and how UA scientists are understanding climate change through research in the Southern Ocean.

Opponents speak out at hearing on bringing F-35 fighter jet to Tucson

Davis-Monthan Air Force Base is being considered as a possible home for the new aircraft. Some say will bring too much noise to Tucson's skies.

Groups offer support for conservationists challenging border wall construction

Local governments, archaeologists and others have filed briefs supporting a challenge to the waiver of laws for border wall construction.

Conservationists attacked again in Sea of Cortez despite presence of Mexican authorities

The group working to protect the nearly extinct vaquita marina porpoise was confronted for the third time this year.

Clean energy produced on Navajo land could help power Los Angeles

With the recent closure of the Navajo Generating Station, Navajo leaders are looking to jump start the tribal economy by partnering with Los Angeles.

As Western coal plants close, what happens to their water?

Closures looming, communities are starting to discuss how this newly freed up water should be put to use.

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